Monday, April 17, 2006

ARIA -The Natural- ep. 1

I never did finish blogging the first series, did I?. ..That's probably because I never finished watching it. It wasn't because I grew tired of it (not at all -- it's probably closer to the opposite). However, I remember during that time last year school kicked in, and after that stressful time, I guess I couldn't bring myself to finish this series.. ^^; But enough about that.

When this episode starts, it's almost as if there was never a break in between. The familiar, beautiful music and scenery sends you right back to Neo Venezia, and boy was that nice. The episode takes up right where the first season left off: everyday life. ..Though I would have slightly enjoyed a first episode that was bit more spectacular. To me, this episode gave off the feeling as if it would have been better placed somewhere in the middle of the series. We didn't even get to spend that much times with any of the characters besides Akari and Ai, to reestablish relationships with them (or rather, to start new ones, for those of the audience that are joining the story just now).
Though it was nice that like the first episode of the last series, we got to spend a day with Ai... though she wasn't nearly as cute as she was last time, either. Somewhat lacking the cheekiness and that precocious air she had about her the first time around. Oh well. At least it was cute to watch her and Akari sing and dance through... the mysterious dark corridor.

...I think perhaps the entire episode might have been more enjoyable with help of hallucinogens. But maybe that's just me.

As for the music, I may not remember the soundtrack ver well, but this episode seemed to feature mostly, if not entirely songs from the first OST. There might have been a few new tunes peppered in here and there, however. Not that this recycling is a bad thing, seeing as the music is still gorgeous.
Also, Makino Ai and Round Table renew their roles as the singers for this show's OP and ED songs respectively. Euphoria, the new Op, may not be as good as Undine before it, I think, but it's still one of my favorite songs this season. I'm in a bit of a toss up between the new ending by Round Table and the old, though..

