Thursday, February 02, 2006

Kashimashi ep. 4

Yui Horie. Kana Ueda. Plus a karaoke bar..
..and absolutely no singing? wtf?!

Well to be honest, I'm really starting to fall behind on some episodes, but in general, I've been enjoying my time watching this show. Over the past few episodes, the show's done a pretty good job at fleshing out the characters, the story's moving at a steady, eventful (though not too fast) pace, and animation budget seems to go to cleverly chosen scenes every now and then. Which this episode was rather full of.

Which is good, because this ep was full of developments.
After seeing their respective episodes, there's a good chance that by now everyone's chosen their favorite girl already. And if there's any sense about you, it's most likely Tomari. And that's who this episode plays to mostly -- her introspections, her stifled feelings, her utter hatred at herself as she slowly comes to realize them, and her growing animosity towards Yasuna.
But at the same time, the show doesn't entirely make a villain out of Yasuna. Sure, she seems a little forward and is rather set up as a usurper that's breaking up childhood friends. However, the show also makes her human, showing us that she's rather shy and apologetic at times, and that her infatuation with Hazumu doesn't just come from the fact that he's suddenly a girl.

So so far Kashimashi has really surprised me with how entertaining it's actually turned out to be.
Even though the premise is still retarded.

And one more thing -- every episode, Namiko falls down somehow. And every episode, that makes me laugh. It's quite possibly the stupidest, most asinine repeated gag ever conceived, and yet I still find it funny. It's like some sort of anime equivalent of a fart joke.... that I find funny.

I really must be losing it.

