Friday, December 22, 2006

Rozen Maiden Ouverture ep. 1

I haven't watched Traumend yet.
Hell, I've been having a hard time getting through the first series so far (I really hate Jun..).

Granted, we don't really have to put up with Jun much this time around, seeing as this story takes place primarilly in the 18th century, and focuses more on a generally more likeable (albeit villainous) character, Junk.

..I mean Suigintou.

Now before the episode actually begins, we of course get the OP sequence -- beautifully animated, as per usual with the Rozen Maiden series. However, let me say that this time, Ali Project ALMOST had a hit. The OP theme, Baragoku Otome, starts off in a beautiful enka-like style, which I enjoyed muchly, but just as I'd gotten my hopes up, the song eventually goes right back into sounding like any other Ali Project song. Fuck. Though if you're a big fan of the series, this would probably be to your liking, as it's the type of song that's more become attached to Rozen Maiden. ..Meh. Whatever floats your boat.

Now, this episode starts in the past, as we meet a broken down Suigintou on a shelf. least half of her. She looks on in utter despair as Rozen slowly forgets about her and begins to pay more attention to his future Rozen Maiden dolls. An extra amount of time, it seems, is spent with Shinku, as we see him adorn her bow with a brooch (that she no longer wears now. hint hint).
With Suigintou continuing to stretch her arm out to her "otou-sama", Rozen walks out of sight, and the poor half doll falls to the floor.
But that doesn't stop her. Heavens no. Crawling across the floor in a scene that took me back to Terminator, Suigintou finds her clothes (Or at least what would BECOME her clothes. The outfit we see her find very well could have just been a spare or something). And thus, we assume she grabs some legs and dresses herself.
And thus ends the saddest scene ever.

Before we venture back into the past once again, we get a hefty mouthful of usual Rozen Maiden shenanigans, complete with Shinku bitchslapping Jun about, Kanaria being stupid, and Suiseiseki saying "desu" a lot. The important things to note, however, is that when Shinku asks Jun to go out and buy thread, he visits Enju and also buys a brooch that looks suspiciously like the one Shinku wore in Suigintou's memory. Oh, and Suigintou beats up some roses Megu offers her, saying she really hates them (for obvious reasons, of course *coughShinku*). When Jun returns, Shinku vehemently refuses to wear the brooch he bought, without giving good reason, which really pisses him off. Later, Souseiseki pulls Jun aside to explain to him why, and so our Victorian story continues.

In the past, Souseiseki was as stoic as she is now, Suiseiseki still said "desu" a lot, and Shinku's medium was a bratty, yet rather mature little girl by the name of Sarah.. who owned a cat, leading to a very cute scene. ^^;

..I think I would have liked it if Rozen Maiden as a whole was more like this, perhaps...

In an N field, as Suiseiseki laments about having to fight her sisters, a mysterious hand with a familiar voice saying "outo-sama otou-sama" attached to it begins to appear. Suiseiseki is frightened, but flies off, not paying much mind to it.

Back in Sarah's room, Sarah seems confused as to why sisters have to fight, and asks Shinku how she feels about it. Shinku however, sees nothing weird about it at all. After all, if this is something father wanted them to do, who is she to question. As long as she will be able to see father again, it doesn't matter what she must do. Sarah doesn't seem to quite understand. Which means she and I have something in common.

Later that night, shit hits the fan.
..or at least that's how I like to analogize the first meeting between Shinku and Suigintou.

It's strange, really -- judging from this scene, it would almost look as if Shinku is the villain, what with her harsh treatment of Suigintou. Granted, Suigintou is acting rather recklessly, and it certainly must be noted Shinku, knowing little else than to fight other dolls, should certainly be on her guard when one suddenly comes out of the mirror.

However, it soon becomes apparent that the doll is harmless, and when Shinku asks for her name, she becomes quite shocked that this blithering mess is actually Suigintou, the first of Rozen's maidens.

Well, I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that Suigintou knows nothing of the Alice Game (or much else, for that matter), and by simply establishing that, her character changes immensely. Man, what a mess she is in this ep! And judging by the preview, it seems Shinku will undeniable betray her somehow in the next.
Let's see how the show's going to justify her actions and not just make her seem like a horrible person for even more people to hate.

